Fishing planet windows 10 vs steam
Fishing planet windows 10 vs steam

fishing planet windows 10 vs steam

I am not alone on having been a victim of the bug as I have heard other players state that for them the lure fishing bug occured as well yet theirs seemed to be map-specific. While this bug is in effect your ability to get fish to bite becomes almost impossible.įor example I went over 20 straight hours without a single fish biting at my lures, and yet the fish bit just fine on bobbers, and once I patched the game instantly the lures once again started catching fish like normal on the same lakes without any changes in my style. There is a little known bug that exists in the game, mostly related to lure fishing. PS: Also, as a edit / post-script from Fishy's comment above I think there may be a second issue at hand.

fishing planet windows 10 vs steam

If the second is the case then you're instead dealing with pure RNG luck. If the first is the case then having 20 people all in one room and all fishing the same fish in the same spot then it will definitely result in overfishing of that fish to the point the fish becomes rarer. Basically once something is brought to your attention you notice and remember things which fits the same profile while other results which are counter to the suggestion are forgotten or overlooked. It is also entirely possible that we are dealing with a phenomenon called "Observer Bias". But there is as of yet no documented proof. It is entirely possible that there is code in place where X amount of fish may be taken out of X spot in X time frame and that all players in that room take from that collective fish pool.

Fishing planet windows 10 vs steam